- Complain about chronic headaches? - Have an open mouth rest posture? - Has your patient's teeth moved after orthodontic treatment? - Exhibit an open bite? - Complain of TMD or neck pain? - Is the patient's tongue always “in the way” when you are scaling his or her teeth? - Does your patient exhibit a scalloped tongue from pressing against the teeth? - Have you noticed oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking, nail biting, lip licking, or hair chewing? - Does your patient “lisp” when saying the “s” sounds? - Do you see the tongue come forward against the teeth when swallowing? - Is your patient a mouth breather contributing to anterior gingivitis? - Grind or clench their teeth? - Have chronic stomach aches, burping, drooling, or hiccups? - Have a forward head posture? - Exhibit signs of being “tongue-tied”? - When you check for oral cancer on the sides of the tongue, have you found leukoplakia from the tongue thrusting into teeth, causing a chronic irritation?